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Hazardous waste treatment market "golden age" has been opened

Author£ºHengchuang Environmental Date£º2015-08-20

Ministry of Environmental Protection recently published the "2016 National, municipal solid waste pollution prevention and control of the annual report" (hereinafter referred to as "2016 Annual Report") shows:
By the end of 2015, a total of 2034 hazardous waste (including medical waste) licenses were issued by the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), 113 more than in 2014, and the hazardous wastes business units in the country approved hazardous wastes treatment Processing capacity of 52.63 million tons / year, compared with the same period increased 9.59 million tons / year. In this regard, Huarong Securities analysts believe that the next 3 to 5 years of hazardous waste treatment industry is expected to continue to maintain a high degree of prosperity, hazardous waste "golden age" has been opened. According to CSC expected China's hazardous waste processing needs of the next 5 years will maintain a compound growth rate of 15% by 2020, waste treatment market space is expected to reach nearly 186.7 billion yuan.
However, "the healthy development of hazardous waste industry, the need for a comprehensive balance of hazardous waste disposal capacity of the regional distribution, to avoid hazardous waste disposal enterprises 'enough to eat', some areas of hazardous waste long-term stacking are not disposed of.In addition, Hazardous waste comprehensive utilization of technology research and development. "Industry sources said.
Policy, supervision and strict birth of a huge hazardous waste processing market
"Tenth Five-Year" period, the risk of waste may be the full implementation of the accounting system, a number of cross-border strong entry, to seize the hazardous waste disposal market, higher profitability and profitability of the industry stabilized.
In recent years, with the governance of waste-related laws and regulations, policies promulgated and implemented, more governance needs continue to release. In June this year, the new version of "National List of Hazardous Wastes" (2016 version) of the implementation of hazardous waste management to promote scientific and refined. "Soil ten" stressed the need to strengthen the source of industrial waste pollution control, the control of hazardous waste as a key.
Insiders revealed that the "13th Five-Year" period, the risk of waste may be the full implementation of the accounting system, the illegal disposal of hazardous waste will be further curbed, and gradually strengthen the dynamic supervision of hazardous waste, control will be more standardized and more stringent.
In this regard, Huarong Securities analysts believe that the relationship between supply and demand from the market point of view, the current capacity of a serious shortage of hazardous waste disposal in the short term the phenomenon of short supply will continue. The status quo in short supply pushed up the price of hazardous waste disposal, hazardous waste treatment market more and more attention to pollution control enterprises and capital markets.
According to Huarong Securities statistics, in addition to the main business for the hazardous waste disposal of Dongjiang environmental protection, there are 14 listed companies have cross-border layout hazardous waste disposal. Among them, the Xuelang environment and the East through the rapid expansion of the acquisition of epitaxial M & A, high-energy environment, Han blue environment, Baan water, gold shares and other companies have also entered the hazardous waste.
At present, the hazardous waste treatment market profit level is higher and the profit rate stabilized. Huarong Securities analysts said: "The main means of disposal of hazardous waste, including the comprehensive utilization of resources and sound disposal of two kinds of resource utilization by the disposal of enterprises to the upper reaches of waste production enterprises pay to buy, and then extract the resources of the products sold The harmless disposal is the disposal of enterprises according to the government to guide the price of waste to the production and waste enterprises, of which the use of resource utilization of the price of metal prices by the impact of fluctuations in the sound disposal approach due to short supply, the higher level of profitability in recent years Steady rise. "
Disparity in processing capacity across regions
It is suggested to construct a regional hazardous waste management platform and give full play to the processing capacity of enterprises. The key waste-producing enterprises can be encouraged to self-construct and dispose of facilities and release market vitality.
"2016 Annual Report" shows that in 2015 the amount of industrial hazardous waste production in the top three provinces of Shandong, Hunan and Jiangsu, and the actual operating scale of the top three followed by Jiangsu Province, Shandong Province, Guangdong Province. The highest amount of hazardous waste production in Shandong Province, the actual amount of hazardous waste management and management is not ranked first. While the third generation of hazardous waste in Jiangsu Province, the actual amount of hazardous waste management is the first.
"These groups of comparative data shows that, at present, the domestic production of hazardous waste and the actual operating scale is not balanced." Insiders said that while the market there are some hazardous waste processing enterprises "enough to eat," and some " Not complete ", and some enterprises can not find hazardous waste disposal channels and other issues.
"2016 Annual Report" also shows that as of 2015, the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) in possession of hazardous waste business license unit design and disposal capacity of 52.63 million tons, but the actual operating scale of only 15.36 million tons, the permit unit load rate insufficient. This also confirms that some licensed enterprises "enough to eat" phenomenon.
Whether you can try to handle the hazardous waste can not be transferred out, so that there is processing power to do? There are enterprises to reflect, the idea in theory feasible, but the actual operation is not easy. According to the relevant provisions of the state, the transboundary movement of hazardous waste need to move out to the receiving and receiving levels of environmental protection departments for approval. If the inter-provincial transfer, from the transfer to the acceptance of the need to go through the county, city, provincial and other six levels of approval, which lasted as long as six months, during which solid waste enterprises have been in the plant area has been stacked.
Cross-regional transfer of hazardous waste complex process, the approval cycle is long, but also affected the hazardous waste processing market to expand the region. In this regard, "should strengthen the regional coordination of hazardous waste management, unified layout of regional hazardous waste management, construction, sharing, sharing, co-management of regional hazardous waste management platform." High-energy environment and other enterprises that allow hazardous waste management enterprises to give full play to its treatment Capacity, while encouraging key enterprises to self-built waste disposal facilities, in situ digestion, the release of market vitality.
China Environmental Protection Industry Association of Solid Waste Treatment and Utilization Committee of the relevant experts further suggested that the national hazardous waste pollution in prominent industries and regions, a comprehensive and in-depth investigation and study, including hazardous waste generation, disposal, use and related enterprises, the situation . On this basis, the establishment of key regional key industries hazardous waste management database, to strengthen the management of hazardous waste to provide basic support.
Comprehensive utilization, harmless disposal is the general direction of development
Emphasis on the development of advanced and comprehensive utilization of hazardous waste technology and equipment, establish a sound and effective waste recycling system is China's resource recovery and recycling of the top priority.
Due to the high risk and complexity of hazardous wastes, hazardous waste disposal business requires high level of skills and talents. Compared with foreign countries, domestic hazardous waste disposal technology is still relatively backward, there is instability in processing facilities, resulting in processing capacity of less than the expected design capability, or in the process of secondary pollution problems.
"In recent years, hazardous waste treatment industry to accelerate the pace of development, with the industrial product technology updates, waste types of expansion and change, new technologies will emerge as the times require, and comprehensive utilization, harmless disposal is still a big development "Huarong Securities analysts to judge.
The above industry association experts for hazardous waste comprehensive utilization and resource utilization made recommendations, to research and development of advanced and applicable hazardous waste, medical waste comprehensive utilization technology and equipment, the use of key technology achievements demonstration project, accelerate the key technology and equipment Promote the use of hazardous waste to improve the level of comprehensive utilization of hazardous waste to achieve the high value of use.
To solidify industrial solid waste "to use the main" approach, change the past "to store the main". Increase R & D investment in comprehensive utilization of technology, encourage the use of large-scale and encourage the use of high value-added products.
It is imperative to establish a sound, regular, legal and effective waste recovery system for resource recyclable wastes, especially waste electrical and electronic products, waste lead-acid batteries and other city mine wastes, which is the urgent matter of resource recovery and recycling in China.
In addition, "strengthening the capacity of hazardous waste treatment and disposal facilities, but also vigorously strengthen the management of hazardous waste treatment facilities and technical staff training to enhance the operational management of existing facilities, the level of guidance to small-scale, decentralized workshops and enterprises into specialized Park, and to carry out its special study of pollution prevention. "Insiders suggested.
New hazardous waste project landing takes two to three years
Industry insiders, after the end of 2013, hazardous waste business license qualification approval by the Ministry of Environmental Protection to the provincial level and below the environmental protection department, shortening the qualification cycle. But in general, the new hazardous waste project from the start to the ground to put into production, the fastest time-consuming still take 2 years to 3 years, usually 3 years to 5 years, renovation and expansion projects have more than 1 year time.
"In accordance with the relevant provisions of the state, in our country engaged in hazardous waste collection, storage, disposal of business units must have hazardous waste business license qualification.Specifically, is divided into hazardous waste collection, storage, disposal of integrated management qualification and Hazardous waste collection business license qualification.
Some hazardous waste management companies suggested that efforts should be made to increase the authority of decentralization, the comprehensive disposal of hazardous waste management permit the approval of decentralization to the municipal environmental protection departments, increase grass-roots environmental protection departments.
At the same time, we should give full play to the role of market regulation and the main role of enterprises to encourage enterprises to participate in all-round focus on hazardous waste disposal project construction, so that most enterprises become hazardous waste business units active investors and dividend winners.
