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Technical Characteristics of Plastic Refining Equipment

Author£ºHengchuang Environmental Date£º2016-12-28

When it comes to oil refining equipment, we may think of many different types of products, and its corresponding application environment and the scope of application are not the same, for example, plastic refining equipment, it is mainly for plastic in this regard to its effective Use, but it is not the same as ordinary equipment, the specific technical characteristics from the following to find the answer to it.
1, oil refining equipment using atmospheric catalytic cracking process and product chemical extraction technology.
2, it's more complete environmental protection equipment. Such as exhaust gas burners and flue desulfurization dust removal system.
3, it uses a simple chemical method to solve the product's color and odor.
4, it makes the crude oil out of the oil rate of not less than 80%.
5, oil refining equipment design is reasonable, advanced manufacturing technology, high degree of automation, security facilities.
6, its wide range of uses, a machine.
Then through the technical characteristics of the plastic refining equipment, we can generally know that it is at run-time what effect, then the use of the time we will be more clear, in fact, it is different from other equipment is often It in the application of the effect and its performance differences, then for today's presentation, we can understand?
